
Let's praise the Lord with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind!

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Please Forgive Me

My sleep is gone, my heart is full of sorrow
I can't believe how much i've let you down
I dread the pain that waits for me tomorrow
When the sun reveals my broken dreams scattered on the ground

Please, forgive me
I need your grace to make it through
All i have is you, i'm at your mercy
Lord, i'll serve you
Until my dying day

Help others find the way
I'm at your mercy, please forgive me
I can't believe the god of earth and glory
Would take the time to care for one like me
But i've read the bible, i've read the old story

How he plead for my forgiveness while dying on a tree
Please, forgive me
I need your grace to make it through
All i have is you, i'm at your mercy

Lord, i'll serve you
Until my dying day
Help others find the way
I'm at your mercy, please forgive me

Please, forgive me
I need your grace to make it through
All i have is you, i'm at your mercy
Lord, i'll serve you

Until my dying day
Help others find the way
I'm at your mercy, please forgive me
Please, forgive me

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